Laadlee Parenting

> What Are STEM Toys and How Can They Help With Your Child's Development?

What Are STEM Toys and How Can They Help With Your Child's Development?

Every parent wants to prepare their child for the future, but in our tech-driven world, traditional education is not enough. Parents now need to focus on developing skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) from an early age. One innovative and fun approach to doing this is through the use of STEM toys. These educational toys are designed to make learning about these scary topics fun and engaging. If you want to learn more about it, then you are in the right place. This blog will help you find out more about what STEM toys are and how they can help with your child's development.

What are STEM toys?

STEM toys are specifically designed and crafted toys that can subtly make your child adept at concepts related to science, technology, maths and engineering. Most STEM toys encourage hands-on learning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These can range from simple building blocks to complex electrical or robotic kits and provide holistic development for kids of all ages.

Building sets enhance engineering and spatial skills, while science kits can foster a love for scientific experiments. Similarly, math games teach kids the basics in a fun and engaging way. Coding and robotic toys might also help your child get comfortable with logical thinking and implementing mechanical designs in the real world. 

How do STEM Toys Aid and Foster Holistic Child Development?

1. Cognitive Skill Development

STEM toys often include intricate puzzles, challenging building tasks, and engaging programming activities. These sets of educational games can effectively stimulate critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. These cognitive skills are absolutely essential, not just for academic success but also for effective everyday decision-making. Providing your child with these at an early age can enable them to navigate complex situations and make informed choices with greater ease.

2. Creativity and Innovation

Many STEM toys require children to design, build, and create their own projects. This process often encourages creativity and innovation, as kids learn to think outside the box and develop unique solutions to challenges. For example, constructing a robot from scratch or designing a unique structure allows children to experiment with different designs and functions. Additionally, these can also greatly help in fostering a spirit of innovation and originality in your child.

3. Motor Skills Improvement

Playing with toys that require assembly, the use of small parts, or precise movements can greatly enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. These abilities are essential for tasks such as writing, drawing, and everyday actions. Constructing complex models also involves the careful manipulation of small pieces, which aids in the development of dexterity and accuracy in children's movements.

4. Teamwork and Collaboration

STEM toys are sometimes designed for group play and thus promote teamwork, communication, and collaborative problem-solving. These social skills are essential for success in both academic and later professional settings. Activities like group science experiments or collaborative building projects teach children how to work with others, share ideas, and achieve common goals.

5. Patience and Perseverance

Playing with STEM toys and tackling difficult tasks helps children understand the importance of persistence and patience. By overcoming challenges and persevering through obstacles, they can develop crucial life skills. For instance, making a free standing toy brick structure may involve numerous attempts and modifications. These are very helpful in instilling in children the determination and endurance necessary for success.

6. Technological Proficiency

As technology continues to evolve, being comfortable with these tools will be a significant advantage for future careers. Learning to code with toys or building and programming simple circuits can demystify technology and make children more adept at using and understanding complex technological systems.


In conclusion, STEM toys are more than simple playthings; they are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your child's development. This is why we at Laadlee have curated a range of STEM toys and baby products online that can help your child develop a range of skills and abilities that are essential for growth and success. Remember that an investment in STEM toys is an investment in your child's future and prepares them to step confidently into a rapidly changing and volatile world. So let them conduct simple science experiments, and watch their natural curiosity flourish under the nurturing guidance of Laadlee.

> How to Make Breastfeeding Easier: Essential Tips for New Moms

How to Make Breastfeeding Easier: Essential Tips for New Moms

Breastfeeding is one of those special experiences that can help create a strong bond between you and your child. While it is a natural process, it may not always come naturally, like any new skill, it comes with its own set of challenges. But don't worry; with time and patience, every mom gets better. Whether you are excited, anxious or a little bit of both, relax, as you are not alone on this journey. To help you and countless other new moms like you, this blog will take you through all the essential tips for new moms to make breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable for both you and your little one.

1. Stay Together at Birth

After a baby is born, moms and babies need to be together. Keeping the baby close to the mother with skin-to-skin contact is safe and healthy. Skin-to-skin contact involves placing the unclothed newborn on the mother's bare chest and covering the baby's back with a warm baby blanket or towel. This contact increases oxytocin levels, which promotes bonding between the mother and newborn, reduces stress for both, and helps the baby adjust to life after birth.

2. Find a Comfortable Position

Comfort is going to be key when it comes to a successful breastfeeding session. Try to find a position that works for both you and your baby, and try to hold it for extended periods. You can use a breastfeeding pillow or a pregnancy pillow to support your back, arms and the baby.

Try ‌different tried and tested positions, such as the classic cradle or cross cradle hold. You can also try a side-lying position when lying on your side and keeping your baby facing you on the bed. This position is perfect for nighttime feedings and allows you to rest while nursing.

3. Master the Latch

The initial days following birth present the most optimal chance for both you and your baby to latch and cultivate breastfeeding skills. A proper latch is crucial for preventing soreness and ensuring your baby gets enough milk. Hold your baby close to you with their nose at the level of your nipple for proper positioning.

You can also gently tickle the baby’s lips with your nipple to help open the baby's mouth. You can also aim the nipple towards the roof of their mouth. This ensures that they take in a large portion of the areola, not just the tip.

4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Your body works very hard to produce milk, so it is important to stay hydrated and nourished. It should be every partner and family member's duty to help you maintain a well-balanced diet during the entirety of your breastfeeding year. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. You can also use healthy snacks and protein bars to keep your energy levels up, especially during those middle-of-the-night sessions.

5. Learn Baby Cues

Most babies need to be breastfed at least 8 times in 24 hours, so pay attention to your baby's hunger cues and feed them on demand. Keep a responsive approach, as it ensures that your baby gets enough milk and stimulates milk generation as well. You must also keep an eye out for signs like rooting, sucking on the thumbs, or fussiness. 

6. Seek Support

Breastfeeding can be challenging, so don't hesitate to seek support from a lactation expert if you feel something is off. Breastfeeding consultants and health-care providers can often offer invaluable advice owing to their vast experience. You can also reach out to your family and friends and remind yourself that you are not alone in this journey.

7. Take Self-care Seriously

As a new mother, it can be tiring sometimes, which is why it is essential to take care of yourself. Try to take advantage of any opportunity to rest, and openly welcome assistance with household chores. Try not to feel obligated for the daily tasks and rely more on your support network. When a mother is well-rested and has a strong support system, she is better prepared to care for her child.

8. Use a Breast Pump for Flexibility

It is a well-known fact that breastfeeding benefits your baby in multiple ways, which is why it is recommended to breastfeed your baby for a year or at least 6 months. However, if an unforeseen situation arises and you need to leave your baby for a few hours, then using a breast pump can be a game changer. We offer a variety of both manual and electric breast pumps, as well as top-quality accessories, to make the process more comfortable for you.    


In conclusion, the breastfeeding journey is filled with moments of joy, connection, and learning. Although it comes with its challenges, at Laadlee, we have carefully selected a wide range of high-quality baby care products to make nursing easier. Our selection includes baby bottles, nipples, and breast pumps, all designed to nurture the bond between you and your baby. Ultimately, trust your instincts and embrace the journey with love, confidence, and a little bit of patience. Get our baby and mother care products to cherish every moment with your baby, as these memories will last a lifetime.


> 5 Tips to Take Care of Your Newborn During Summer

5 Tips to Take Care of Your Newborn During Summer

The summers this year have been particularly intense, with temperatures soaring to record-breaking heights. As a new mom, you might be feeling anxious about how to ensure that your newborn stays comfortable and safe in such extreme conditions. We at Laadlee understand this concern of yours, which is why we have compiled a list of some thoughtful adjustments that can help you keep your child cool and safe. For the safety of your bundle of joy, this blog will dive into the five essential tips that can help you navigate the challenges of summer with confidence and peace of mind. 

What is the Effect of Excess Heat on Babies?

All babies are different, which is why heat might affect different babies differently. Especially babies who face issues regulating their temperature might be more prone to heat. Dehydration is a common risk, as babies can lose fluids quickly through sweating. Some immediate symptoms include sunken eyes, dry mouth and lethargy. Keep an eye out for these symptoms because severe dehydration can be lethal and needs immediate medical attention.

Additionally, prolonged exposure to heat often causes heat rash, particularly in areas where clothing is tight. If not addressed in time, mild symptoms such as nausea and heavy sweating might escalate into weakness, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat. If a baby gets too hot, they may develop heatstroke, which is a very serious condition. This happens when the baby's body temperature goes and stays above 104 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period and can cause them to pass out.

Prolonged exposure to heat can lead to irritability and restlessness, disrupting your baby's sleep. Additionally, excess heat can result in loss of appetite and feeding issues with babies.

How to Take Care of the Baby During the Summer?

1. Keep Baby Cool and Hydrated

In the summer, lightweight, breathable clothing is essential. Opt for natural fabrics like cotton that allow your baby's skin to breathe. Avoid overdressing your baby, as multiple layers of clothing can cause overheating. Keeping your baby hydrated is especially crucial in the heat, so using breast milk or formula usually provides enough hydration.

If your baby is over six months old, then you can also offer small amounts of water. Keep an eye out for signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes and a dry mouth. If the baby's diaper is not full even after 6 hours, then consider it a sure sign of dehydration. 

2. Maintain a Comfortable Indoor Environment

Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold for your baby. It should be between 68-72°F (20-22°C). You can always use an indoor thermometer to check the room temperature, so get one today. During hot weather, use the air conditioning to keep the room cool, but make sure it's not blowing directly on your baby.

It is also important to avoid quick temperature fluctuations, like entering a very cold room directly from the outdoors. Keep this in mind, especially in places where it gets really hot outside.

3. Protect from Direct Sun Exposure

Try to stay indoors during peak sun hours, as the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM. During these hours, it’s best recommended to keep your baby indoors to avoid the risk of sunburn or heatstroke. If you need to go outside, make sure your baby is well protected. Use a stroller with a canopy, dress your baby in a wide-brimmed hat, and opt for lightweight, long-sleeved clothing. Additionally, make sure to consult your pediatrician about using a baby-safe sunscreen for extra protection.

4. Prevent Heat Rash

Babies are prone to heat rash, especially in warm, humid conditions. This is why it is advised to frequently check and change wet diapers. Try and ensure any sweaty areas are kept dry to prevent skin irritation, and use dusting powder as it can help prevent diaper rash in the summer. Dressing your baby in loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics can also contribute to ventilation that keeps your baby cool. Regular but short bathing sessions can also help keep your baby’s skin cool and clean, reducing the risk of heat rash.

5. Infection and Allergies

During the summer months, viral infections are particularly prevalent. For babies under 6 months old, breastfeeding provides all the necessary antibodies, but for older babies, it is important to take precautions to ensure their safety. If anyone in the household gets a cold, make sure to keep them away from the baby.


Taking care of a newborn in the summer can be tricky, but with our range of baby care products, you can make sure your baby stays safe and comfy. Just give them lots of water, shield them from the sun, be careful when driving during the day, and leave the rest to our range of baby products. Most importantly, as a mom, trust your gut, stay calm and treasure these special times with your little one. With these tricks, you'll be ready to handle the hot summer of the UAE and make great memories with your happy toddler.

> Top 10 Parenting Tips for New Moms and Dads

Top 10 Parenting Tips for New Moms and Dads

Becoming a parent for the first time is a life-changing experience that often becomes overwhelming at times. The excitement also brings along with it its fair share of challenges, and as new moms and dads, you might find yourself in a flood of opinions and bits of advice from every direction. The prevalence of nuclear families also makes it hard to discern what might be truly helpful.

To help you navigate this important phase in life, we have put together a list of the top ten essential parenting tips that will prepare you for the major challenges you might face in the coming months. Use this blog as a guide to help you through the early stages of your child's development and to create a supportive and nurturing environment for your little one.

1. Trust Your Instincts

While seeking advice from friends, family, and professionals is natural, always remember to trust your gut feelings. You know your baby better than anyone else. Your instincts are a powerful tool; a mom's body understands and responds to your baby's needs. Did you know that a mother's breast milk changes and adapts according to the nutrient and health requirements of the child? So don’t underestimate your and your body's ability to make the right decisions for your child.

2. Be Patient and Positive

Taking care of a baby can be hard and frustrating at times. Be kind to yourself and your baby, and try to keep a positive attitude. Enjoy the little good things and the special moments. It's okay to make mistakes and learn from them. What's most important is the love and effort you put into raising your child.

3. Prioritize Self-care

Looking after yourself is not a treat; it is essential. Make sure to prioritize getting sufficient rest, consuming nutritious food, and taking breaks as necessary. Being a parent requires a lot, and by maintaining your physical and mental well-being, you will be better prepared to care for your child. Don't be afraid to seek assistance from your spouse, relatives, or friends to get the rest you require.

4. Establish a Routine

The key to a happy baby is regularity and predictability. Creating a daily schedule for meals, naps, and sleep can promote a sense of safety for your baby and make your day easier to handle. Consistent routines allow both you and your baby to anticipate what is to come, resulting in less stress for all.

5. Play Together

Playing with your child is more than just a source of fun and entertainment. It also plays a crucial role in their development by helping them acquire various skills and reinforcing their sense of being loved. Through play, your child can develop essential social and emotional skills, which can boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a precious bonding experience that you wouldn't want to miss out on.

6. Communicate With Your Child

It is a commonly known fact that effective communication is crucial in all relationships, especially between a parent and child. This plays a significant role in shaping your child's ability to communicate. Make use of every chance to converse with your infant, even if they are not yet able to respond. Although it may seem odd to an outsider, talking to your baby about your actions has a positive impact on their growth and development.

7. Be Flexible

Each baby is unique, and there is no single method that works for every parent. It is important to be willing to experiment with new techniques and adapt your approach as you become more familiar with your baby's individual needs and preferences. Being flexible and adaptable will make it easier to navigate the ever-changing challenges of parenting.

8. Communicate With Your Partner

Having good communication with your partner is extremely important when it comes to being a parent. It's essential to talk about your roles, express any worries, and offer each other support. Parenting requires teamwork, and working together can make difficult situations easier to handle and happy moments more fulfilling. It's important to regularly touch base with one another and set aside time to discuss your experiences as parents.

9. Encourage Bonding

Building a strong bond with your baby is essential for their emotional and cognitive development. Spend quality time engaging in activities like talking, singing, reading, and playing. These interactions not only strengthen your connection but also stimulate your baby’s brain development and help them feel loved and secure.

10. Avoid Comparisons

Each child will develop their own unique personality, with some being more outgoing and others more reserved. This becomes more apparent as a parent when you have multiple children. Some babies are calm and easygoing, while others are more energetic and lively. Each child has their own level of activity and will respond to situations differently. Instead of comparing your child to others, embrace their uniqueness and adapt to their needs.

In conclusion, as demanding as the journey of parenthood might be, with a little patience and lots of love, you can easily make it memorable for both you and your child. To help you become the best parent ever, we at Laadlee have stocked up on a range of baby products. Our selection includes everything from baby diapers and STEM toys to feeding bottles and baby bassinets. But that's not all - we have also curated the best products for new moms to make parenting easier for you as well.

Ultimately, don't miss any precious moments with your baby, and trust that you are doing a great job.

> What to Eat When Pregnant: Your Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

What to Eat When Pregnant: Your Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

The journey of pregnancy is an exciting time, filled with anticipation, joy and a flurry of new experiences. Alongside planning for baby names, nursery decor, and buying the cutest baby care products, it’s crucial to focus on your nutrition to ensure both your health and your baby’s development.

Let’s dive into an engaging guide to what you should eat during pregnancy to keep both you and your little one thriving.

Healthy Pregnancy Diet: The Fun and Flavorful Way to Nourish You and Your Baby

Eating for two doesn’t mean doubling your portion, but it does mean doubling down on quality nutrition. The key to a healthy pregnancy diet is variety, balance and enjoyment. Here are some of the essential components:

1. Proteins-Packed Food

Tofu, Paneer, Eggs, Beans, and Nuts: These foods support tissue growth and repair, crucial for both mother and baby. Incorporate them into your diet with dishes like scrambled eggs, tofu stir-fry, paneer curry, and mixed nuts as snacks.

2. Carbs for Sustained Energy

Whole Grains: Foods like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, farro, bulgur, and barley provide steady energy and aid in digestion. Start your day with a breakfast bowl featuring quinoa, berries, and chia seeds.

3. Healthy Fats for Development

Avocados, Nuts, and Olive Oil: Essential for brain development, these fats are delicious and versatile. Add avocado slices to salads, use olive oil in cooking, and enjoy nuts like almonds and walnuts as snacks or toppings.

4. Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, and Dairy Products: Rich in folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D, these foods are vital. Create a colorful plate with fruits like dragon fruit, starfruit, and leafy greens. If you're lactose intolerant or prefer plant-based options, opt for fortified almond, soy, or oat milk. A yogurt parfait with nuts and honey makes a delightful snack.

5. Nutty and Seedy Goodness

Nuts and Seeds: Powerhouses of healthy fats and protein, nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds add crunch and nutrition to salads, yogurt, or can be enjoyed as a quick snack.

Managing Nutritional Challenges

1. Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can be an annoying companion in the first trimester. Small and frequent meals can help, and so can ginger tea or plain crackers. Keep things light and bland if needed, but don’t shy away from trying new or mild-flavored foods.

2. Food Aversions

Food aversions are common—if you can’t stand the sight of meat, for instance, don’t worry. Get your protein from beans, lentils, and dairy. Sometimes, how food is prepared can make a difference, so experiment with different cooking methods.

3. Cravings

Cravings can range from sweet to salty and everything in between. The trick is to indulge wisely. If you crave sweets, go for fruits or dark chocolate. For salty cravings, try nuts or homemade popcorn with a light sprinkle of sea salt.

Foods to Limit or Avoid

1. Raw or Undercooked Food

Avoid raw sushi, undercooked eggs, and rare steaks to prevent foodborne illnesses. Make sure all meats and eggs are thoroughly cooked.

2. Certain Fish

Some fish are high in mercury, which can be harmful. Steer clear of swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. Instead, choose salmon, trout, or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Always choose pasteurized milk and cheese to avoid harmful bacteria. This is a simple switch that ensures safety without sacrificing taste.

4. Caffeine

Limit caffeine to less than 200 milligrams a day—roughly one 12-ounce cup of coffee. Switch to herbal teas or decaf options if you need that comforting hot drink.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol is a no-go during pregnancy as it can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome and other complications. Swap it for sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice for a festive feel.

Conclusion: Nourish and Cherish

A healthy pregnancy diet is all about nourishing your body and cherishing this unique journey. By focusing on a balanced intake of delicious, nutrient-dense foods, managing common pregnancy challenges, and avoiding certain risks, you can ensure a joyful pregnancy.

At Laadlee, we offer a bunch of baby care products that you can explore to add an extra layer of excitement and preparation for the new arrival. Your journey to motherhood is special and personal. Consult with your healthcare provider to tailor your nutrition plan, and enjoy every moment of this incredible experience.

> What Can You Do This Summer to Prepare Your Child for School?

What Can You Do This Summer to Prepare Your Child for School?

Summer is a wonderful time for kids to relax and recharge after a busy school year. However, it is also a crucial time for parents to prepare their children for the upcoming school term. By taking some thoughtful steps during these months, you can help your child transition smoothly into the new academic year. Here are some strategies to get started with.

1. Establish A Routine

a. Create a consistent daily schedule

One of the best ways to prepare your child for school is to establish a consistent daily routine. During the summer, children often fall out of their school year habits, staying up late and waking up late. To ease the transition back to school, start by setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time. This routine helps regulate their internal clock, making the early school mornings less of a shock.

b. Balanced day structure

A well-rounded daily structure is necessary when maintaining balance. Make time for various activities such as study sessions, playtime, rest and family time. This keeps your child engaged as well as reflects the school day structure, helping them adapt more easily when school starts. For instance, you can choose specific times for reading, outdoor activities, and even some quiet time for hobbies.

2. Academic Preparation

a. Review last year’s material

Before diving into new school subjects, it's a good idea to take a look at the material from the previous year. This helps solidify the concepts your child has already learned, ensuring they have a strong foundation to build upon. You can make this fun by turning it into a game or quiz, or by using educational apps that make learning interactive and enjoyable.

b. Introduce new concepts

Summer is also an ideal time to introduce new concepts that your child may be interested in. This gives them a head start and boosts their confidence. Simple and everyday activities can be great learning opportunities. For example, cooking together can teach measurements, while trips to museums can spark an interest in history or science.

3. Stock Up on School Supplies

a. Shopping for essentials

One of the most exciting parts of going back to school is shopping for new school supplies. Make a list of essential items your child will need, such as notebooks, backpacks, pencils, erasers and the list goes on. But don’t stop there—involve your child in picking out their school items. This not only gets them excited about the new school year but also gives them a sense of responsibility.

b. Selecting school bottles and school bags

When it comes to school bottles and school bags, quality and functionality are key. At Laadlee, we offer a wide range of durable and stylish items that your child will love and you can rely on. From insulated school bottles that keep drinks cold all day to fancy school bags that provide ample space and support, you can find everything your child needs to stay hydrated and organized.

4. Encourage Reading and Writing

a. Set up a reading corner

Create a cozy reading spot in your home to encourage your child to read regularly. Stock it with a variety of books that cater to their interests and reading level. Reading not only improves literacy skills but also sparks imagination and creativity.

b. Writing practice

Encourage your child to keep a summer journal. Writing about their daily activities or writing about their favourite toys can enhance their writing skills. This practice not only improves their ability to express themselves but also prepares them for the writing tasks they will face in school.

5. Foster Independence

a. Daily responsibilities

Summer is a great time to teach your child about responsibility and independence at their own level. Assign them age-appropriate chores and daily tasks, such as making their bed, helping with meal preparation, or organizing their room. These activities teach valuable life skills and boost their confidence.

b. Decision making

Involve your child in decision-making processes, whether it is outfits for the day or choosing their school products online. Letting them make decisions that affect them helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

6. Encourage Social Skills

a. Play and social activities

Social skills are crucial for a successful school experience. Arrange playdates or group activities with friends and families. These interactions help your child practice communication, cooperation, and empathy. Participating in team sports or group classes can also enhance their social skills.

b. Practice sharing and turn-taking

Encourage your child to practice sharing and taking turns during playtime. Whether they are playing with siblings or friends, learning to share toys and wait for their turn teaches patience and consideration for others.


Preparing for the new school year during the summer doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By creating a routine, engaging in academic preparation, stocking up on essential supplies like school bottles and school bags, fostering independence, and encouraging social skills, you can ensure your child is ready and excited for school.

Remember, the key is to balance preparation with fun, making the summer both enjoyable and productive. Explore our school products online to make the back-to-school transition smooth and exciting for your child.



> World Breastfeeding Week: Raising Awareness and Support

World Breastfeeding Week: Raising Awareness and Support

As we do annually, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from August 1st to 7th as a global campaign dedicated to promoting, protecting, and supporting breastfeeding. This year’s theme, "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All," highlights the need for collective efforts across all sectors to remove barriers to breastfeeding and provide complete support for mothers. This celebration marks breastfeeding mothers in all their diversity, emphasising their unique journeys and the role they play in nurturing their child.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers unparalleled benefits for both babies and mothers. It promotes healthy growth and development, supports the immune system, and has been associated with long-term health benefits, such as a reduced risk of certain chronic conditions.

World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, starting within an hour of birth. Continuing to breastfeed promotes sensory and cognitive development as well as protects babies against infectious and chronic diseases. The long-term benefits are also significant, with a lower risk of chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes.

For mothers, breastfeeding helps in reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, type 2 diabetes, and postpartum depression. It also creates a unique emotional bond between mother and child, forming a sense of security and comfort for the baby. Economically, breastfeeding can reduce family expenses and healthcare costs, making it a fruitful practice for households and communities alike.

Challenges to Breastfeeding

Despite its advantages, many mothers face significant challenges. There are several factors that contribute to low breastfeeding rates:

1. Insufficient knowledge:

Many mothers struggle with breastfeeding due to a lack of proper guidance and support. Limited access to educational resources can hamper their ability to overcome common challenges.

2. Health-related issues:

Medical problems such as latch difficulties, low milk supply, and infections like mastitis can interfere with breastfeeding. These health concerns can cause physical discomfort and stress, complicating the breastfeeding experience.

3. Social and cultural influences:

Societal and cultural norms can affect breastfeeding practices. In some cultures, breastfeeding in public is stigmatized, which can lead to judgment towards mothers.

How Can We Support Breastfeeding Mothers

Support from family, friends, and healthcare professionals is important for breastfeeding. Studies have shown that mothers who receive support are more likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Support can take many forms, from emotional encouragement and practical help to professional guidance from lactation consultants. Informed healthcare professionals can provide necessary assistance, helping mothers overcome initial limitations and sustain breastfeeding. Educating both parents about breastfeeding techniques, benefits, and potential challenges helps create a supportive home environment where both partners can share the responsibility.

Community support is equally important and appreciated. Creating breastfeeding-friendly public spaces and workplaces, offering flexible working hours, and providing access to breastfeeding resources can all make a significant difference.

Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

This year's theme, "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All," highlights the need for inclusive and accessible support for every mother, regardless of her circumstances.

It’s essential to recognize the diverse challenges faced by mothers in different environments and various cultural backgrounds.

At Laadlee, we are committed to supporting breastfeeding mothers in every way possible. We understand that every journey is unique, with its joys and challenges. Our platform offers a range of high-quality breastfeeding products, from nursing pillows and covers to breast pumps and storage solutions. We aim to provide practical tools that make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable.

This World Breastfeeding Week, Laadlee reaffirms its commitment to supporting all mothers in their breastfeeding journeys.

> The Importance of Sun Protection: Why Baby Sunscreen Is A Must

The Importance of Sun Protection: Why Baby Sunscreen Is A Must

When we think about the perfect outdoor day with our little ones, sunshine plays a big part. Whether it is a trip to the playground, a beach day or a simple backyard play session, enjoying the sun is one of the joys of childhood. However, the sunrays, while warm and inviting, can be harmful, especially for the baby’s delicate skin. In this blog, we'll explore why baby sunscreen is essential, and provide some practical tips for keeping your baby safe in the sun.

Baby Skin Vulnerability to Sun Damage

Babies have incredibly soft and sensitive skin. Unlike adults, their skin is thinner and contains less melanin, the pigment that provides some protection against the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. This makes them much more sensitive to sunburn and long-term skin damage. Even a short period of unprotected sun exposure can lead to painful burns and increase the risk of skin problems later in life.

Harmful Effects of Sun Exposure on Babies

Sunburn isn’t just about the immediate risk of sunburn. UV radiation can have several harmful effects on babies, including:

1. Dehydration:

Babies have a higher risk of dehydration when exposed to the sun.

2. Heat rash:

Delicate skin can develop a rash when exposed to heat and sweat.

3. Long-term skin damage:

Early exposure to UV rays can contribute to skin aging and increase the risk of skin cancer in the future.

Protecting your baby from these risks is crucial, and that’s where sunscreen for newborns comes into play.

Why Regular Sunscreen Isn't Suitable?

Baby sunscreens are designed with the specific needs of infants in mind. Here are some key characteristics:

1. Gentle Ingredients:

Baby sunscreens avoid harmful chemicals, fragrances, and parabens to protect sensitive baby skin. They use mild and non-irritating ingredients for a safer and gentler application.

2. Broad-Spectrum Protection:

These sunscreens provide comprehensive protection against both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause deeper skin damage, while UVB rays cause sunburn. Broad-spectrum protection ensures overall skin safety and health.

3. Water-Resistant:

Some sunscreens are designed to remain effective during water play. They can offer extended protection even when the baby is swimming or sweating.

4. Hypoallergenic:

Formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reactions, hypoallergenic baby sunscreens are ideal for sensitive skin. To find hypoallergenic options, check the product label for this designation or consult recommendations from dermatologists.

When choosing a sunscreen, look for a high SPF (at least 30) and ensure it’s specifically labeled for babies.

How to Apply Baby Sunscreen Lotion?

Applying baby sunscreen correctly ensures maximum protection. Here’s a simple guide:

1. Test First:

For the first use, do a patch test on a small area of your baby's skin to ensure there’s no reaction.

2. Timing:

Apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going outside to allow it to form a protective layer.

3. Apply Generously:

Use a sufficient amount to cover all exposed skin. Don’t forget areas like the ears, neck, and tops of feet.

4. Reapply:

Reapply every two hours, or more often if your baby is playing in water or sweating.

Tips for Sun Protection on Adventures

While sunscreen is crucial, it’s just one part of a comprehensive sun protection strategy. Here are some additional tips:

1. Shade:

Use umbrellas, tents, or canopies to provide shaded play areas.

2. Clothing:

Dress your baby in lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants, and a wide-brimmed hat.

3. Avoid Peak Sun Hours:

Try to stay indoors or in the shade between 10 AM and 4 PM when the sun’s rays are strongest.

4. Sunglasses:

Protect your baby’s eyes with UV-blocking sunglasses.


Ensuring your baby’s skin is protected from the sun is an important part of keeping them safe and healthy. By understanding the unique needs of baby skin and using specially formulated baby sunscreen online, you can enjoy sunny days worry-free.

At Laadlee, we provide a wide variety of sunscreens and baby care products online to keep your child protected from the sun. So, grab that baby sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and head out for some sunny fun, knowing you’ve got sun protection covered!

> The Essential Guide to Perfect Swaddling: Techniques And Tips For New Parents

The Essential Guide to Perfect Swaddling: Techniques And Tips For New Parents

New parents strive to provide their babies with the highest level of comfort, security, and affection. Swaddling is an age-old technique that aims to achieve exactly this. It involves wrapping the baby in a specific manner with a blanket, which helps them feel as secure as they did in the womb. Swaddling also helps your baby feel nurtured and protected, which strengthens the bond between you and your baby. This guide will teach you how to swaddle your baby perfectly to ensure they're comfortable and safe.

The Hidden Benefits of Swaddling

Swaddling is often seen as a simple way to help newborns sleep better, but its benefits go beyond that. Listed below are some of the lesser-known advantages of swaddling that can enhance your parenting as well as your baby's early development.

1. Improving Neurological Development

Swaddling has a positive impact on a baby's neurological development, especially in the early stages. Preterm infants show significantly better neuromuscular development when swaddled correctly. This benefit of swaddling can be attributed to the snug wrap, which helps soothe the baby's nervous system by mimicking the pressure of the womb. It also reduces overstimulation, which helps the body focus on developing essential brain functions.

2. Reduced Colic Risk

When done correctly, swaddling can significantly reduce the risk of Colic. Keeping the baby on the back mitigates the risk of them rolling onto their stomach and prevents accidental suffocation. Safe sleeping techniques also reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS and promote a deeper sleep cycle.

3. Promotes Muscle Development

The snug fit of the swaddle adds a bit of restraint to the baby's arms and legs. This encourages the active engagement and development of their core muscles. As the baby pushes against the swaddle, it serves as a form of exercise that promotes the growth and maturation of their muscles and motor skills. This interaction contributes to their physical development and lays the foundation for perfect hand-eye coordination.

4. Temperature Regulation

A well-wrapped swaddle helps regulate the body temperature of the baby. This is important because newborns can often have difficulty with temperature regulation. This can be particularly beneficial in places where temperature regulation is a challenge.

How To Wrap Your Baby Perfectly: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Choosing The Right Baby Swaddle

This is the most important part of the wrap, as it directly determines the level of comfort for your baby. Try and choose a lightweight and breathable fabric, such as cotton or muslin. 

The blanket size should be large enough to wrap around your baby securely. A 40x40 inch or larger swaddle should be perfect for most babies. Lay the swaddle out on a safe and flat surface in a diamond shape. Then fold the top corner down about 6 inches to create a straight edge.

2. Positioning The Baby Correctly

Lay the baby on their back on the blanket, with the neck resting above the edge. Keeping the head above the fold, now it's time to wrap the first side of your baby.

Straighten your baby’s left arm. Then take the left side of the blanket and pull it across the body of the baby and tuck it under the right arm and back. Ensure to have a snug fit that is neither too tight nor too loose. Always allow some space for the hips in case the legs want to move.

3. Folding The Bottom

Fold the bottom corner of the swaddle over the baby's feet. If the swaddle is too long, you can always fold it underneath to ensure it doesn't cover the head or the face. It is also important to ensure that the legs are slightly bent and not tightly bound to prevent hip dysplasia. 

The next step is to take the right side of the swaddle and pull it across the baby's body, tucking it under the left side of their back. In the end, adjust the swaddle to make sure it is snug and comfortable.

In summary, swaddling can be a comforting experience for both you and your baby. It's important to remember that every baby is different, and swaddling isn't just about wrapping them up, but about providing a smooth transition from the womb to the cradle. With practice, you can master the art of swaddling to create a soothing sleep environment for your baby. 

To help you provide your baby with top-notch comfort and safety, we at Laadlee, have curated a selection of finely designed baby swaddles online. Just like our other baby products, these too, are crafted with the utmost care that will keep your little one protected and warm all night long. Join our Laadlee mom community today to be the first to learn about new arrivals, special promotions, and online exclusives.

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> The Benefits Of Using Baby Wipes For Your Baby's Delicate Skin

The Benefits Of Using Baby Wipes For Your Baby's Delicate Skin

Being a parent means always looking out for the safest and most nurturing options for our little ones. In this maze of finding the perfect solution for your baby’s delicate skin, there is a simple yet effective solution: baby wipes. These wipes offer more than just cleanliness; they provide a gentle touch, ensuring your baby's skin remains soft and irritation-free. In this blog, let’s take a look at the benefits of embracing baby wipes.

Understanding the Delicate Nature of Your Baby's Skin

Before diving into the world of baby wipes, it's crucial to understand the delicate nature of your baby's skin. Unlike adult skin, a baby's skin is thinner, more sensitive, and prone to irritation. It's still developing its protective barrier, making it more sensitive to external aggressors such as harsh chemicals and fragrances found in many skincare products. Hence, it is important to choose products that nourish and protect their precious skin without compromising on safety.

Various Uses of Baby Wipes for Your Baby

Baby wipes are an adaptable addition to your baby care arsenal, offering a variety of uses beyond just diaper changes. These gentle wipes are perfect for cleaning your baby's face, hands, and body, providing a quick and convenient solution for messes and spills throughout the day. 

Whether it is wiping away food stains after mealtime or freshening up after outdoor adventures, baby wipes are your go-to companion for keeping your little one clean and relaxed. 

Moreover, baby wipes are a lifesaver during diaper changes, effectively removing impurities without stripping away essential moisture or causing irritation. Their soft, cloth-like texture glides smoothly over your baby's skin, offering a soothing experience.

Benefits of Using Baby Wipes for Your Baby

1. Convenience and Portability

Parenthood often involves being on the go, whether it's running errands, traveling, or simply navigating daily life with a little one in tow. Baby wipes offer outstanding convenience, providing a portable solution for cleaning and caring for your baby wherever you are. They're compact and easy to use; they fit seamlessly into your diaper bag or purse, ensuring you're always prepared for whatever comes your way.

2. Ideal for sensitive skin

Babies have sensitive skin that is prone to rashes, redness, or allergic reactions. Baby wipes are carefully made to meet these requirements, making them an excellent option for newborns with sensitive skin. The lack of harsh chemicals and scents lowers the likelihood of skin irritation and allergic reactions.

3. Versatility

Beyond diaper changes, baby wipes are quite versatile. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as wiping down surfaces, cleaning toys, and even as a quick refresher for parents. Parents can use wipes to clean their own hands before handling the baby, ensuring hygiene and reducing the risk of transferring germs.


In the journey of parenting, every decision made is guided by unwavering love and attention towards the young one. When it comes to caring for your baby’s delicate skin, choosing the right products can make all the difference. Baby wipes offer gentle cleaning and nourishment without compromise.

From versatility to their convenience, baby wipes provide a safe and effective solution for parents seeking the best for their precious bundle of joy. Embrace the magic of baby wipes and experience the joy of caring for your baby's skin with love and confidence.

At Laadlee, we understand the importance of using only the best products for your baby. That's why we offer a wide variety of baby wipes and other baby care essentials such as diaper rash creams, to meet your needs. Explore our selection and find the best baby products online to keep your baby's skin healthy and happy. Trust Laadlee to support you in every step of your parenting journey.

> Navigating Your Postpartum Journey: 6 Recovery Tips To Recover from Childbirth

Navigating Your Postpartum Journey: 6 Recovery Tips To Recover from Childbirth

Becoming a mother is a transformative experience, but the journey of childbirth and the weeks following can be emotionally and physically demanding. At Laadlee, we understand the importance of a smooth and healthy recovery for new moms. In this blog, let’s explore what to expect in postpartum recovery and share six practical tips to help you navigate those first few weeks of motherhood with ease. 

Adjusting to Motherhood

Adjusting to motherhood is a significant transition. The first few weeks after childbirth are often filled with joy, love, and new experiences, but they can also be marked by fatigue, physical discomfort, and emotional ups and downs. It's essential to remember that every new mom's recovery journey is unique. Remember to embrace the process and give yourself the grace to heal at your own pace.

What To Expect During Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum recovery varies for every woman, but there are some common experiences you can expect:

1. Emotional adjustments 

Hormonal changes can lead to mood swings, anxiety, or even postpartum depression for some. It is important to acknowledge your feelings and seek help when needed.

2. Physical healing

Your body goes through various changes after giving birth, taking time to recover. Common physical issues include perineal pain, C-section incision healing, and uterine contractions as your body returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

3. Fatigue 

Babies require frequent feeding and care, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and fatigue.

4. Breastfeeding challenges

Learning to breastfeed can be a challenging task at first. Engorgement, sore nipples, duct blockage and finding a comfortable feeding position are common issues.

List of Items to Keep Handy for Postpartum Recovery

Having the right items on hand can significantly ease your postpartum recovery. Here's a list of essentials:

1. Comfortable clothing

Loose, breathable clothing and nursing bras can help you feel more comfortable.

2. Perineal care products

Ice packs, witch hazel pads, and sitz baths can alleviate perineal pain and swelling.

3. Breastfeeding supplies

Nursing pads, nipple cream, lactation massager, hydration masks and a good breast pump can make breastfeeding more manageable.

4. Supportive pillows

 Nursing pillows can make sitting and breastfeeding more comfortable.

5. Healthy snacks and hydration

Try to add more whole grains, veggies, fruits, and proteins to your meals. Increase your fluid intake, particularly if you are breastfeeding.

6. Pain relief medication

Over-the-counter pain relievers (as recommended by your doctor) can help manage pain.

6 Hacks to Recover from Childbirth

1. Prioritize rest

It may seem difficult with a baby, but relaxation is essential for healing. Take naps when your baby sleeps, and don't be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. Resting allows your body to recover and reduces weariness.

2. Stay hydrated and eat nutritiously

Drinking enough water promotes recovery and nursing. A well-balanced, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet supplies your body with enough nutrition and encourages recovery. To stay energized throughout the day, keep healthy snacks with you.

3. Gentle exercise and movement

While severe exercise is not recommended initially, mild movement might be useful. Short walks and light stretching can improve your circulation and boost your mood. Always consult your doctor before beginning any workout plan.

4. Create a postpartum care kit

A well-stocked postpartum care kit can make a significant difference in your recovery. Make sure to keep items like a perineal spray, adult diapers or pads, a peri bottle for gentle cleaning, and soothing creams. Having these items on hand ensures you're prepared for the physical aspects of recovery.

5. Practice self care and mindfulness

Taking time for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes a day, can help you feel more balanced. Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga. These practices can reduce stress and promote emotional well-being.

6. Establish a support system

Emotional support is just as important as physical recovery. Stay in touch with your partner, family, and friends. Joining a new mom support group may also give a sense of belonging and a place for sharing experiences and advice.


Postpartum healing takes patience, self-care, and support. Understanding what to expect and using these six hacks can help you navigate this phase with more confidence and ease.

At Laadlee, we are dedicated to providing new mothers with high-quality products and useful postpartum care information. Remember that self-care is equally important as caring for the little one. Embrace this priceless moment and allow yourself to recover and adjust to your new role as a mother.

> Supporting your Bump & Beyond: The Ultimate Guide To Pregnancy Pillows

Supporting your Bump & Beyond: The Ultimate Guide To Pregnancy Pillows

Pregnancy is a journey which is filled with excitement, eagerness and, let's be honest, a fair share of discomfort as well. While the first few months of this journey flow like a breeze, your body slowly undergoes numerous changes to support the growing life within you. At a point when even finding a comfortable resting position becomes increasingly difficult, a maternity pillow can prove to be very handy in alleviating the discomfort. This comprehensive guide will explore everything about pregnancy pillows, from their benefits and varieties to the right way to use them effectively.

Why use a pregnancy pillow?

As your baby bump grows, sleeping on your stomach becomes impossible. Even sleeping on the back or on the side can leave you tossing and turning throughout your sleep. This is why pregnancy pillows are designed to provide comfort and support to your changing body to ensure your body gets all the rest it deserves. Whether you are in your first trimester or nearing your due date, pregnancy pillows are made specifically to support your back, belly, hips and legs.

Benefits of pregnancy pillows

1. Ache and pain relief

Pregnancy pillows can help with your back pain by supporting the spine and relieving pressure on the lower back. They can also help with your hip pain by aligning the hips and legs. Pregnancy pillows are also proven to reduce pelvic discomfort by supporting the belly and reducing pressure on the pelvic area.

2. Better sleep

Pregnancy pillows are designed to support your entire body while providing you with a comfortable position to sleep. Maintaining a position for longer is essential for having fewer interruptions in your sleep, and a rich deep sleep is absolutely necessary for the mom and the baby alike.

3. Increased circulation and reduced heartburn

Pregnancy pillows are helpful for sleeping on your side. This is good, especially on your left side, because it improves blood flow to your heart and keeps you and your baby healthy. Using a pregnancy pillow to prop up your upper body can also help you avoid heartburn and acid reflux, which are common issues during pregnancy.

Types of pregnancy pillows and their uses

1. C-shaped pillow

As the name suggests, these pillows are in the shape of the letter C, so they can provide comprehensive support to multiple body areas at once. These pillows can comfortably cradle the head, back and pelvic region at the same time. This makes them perfect for women who need extra support along the spine. The design also helps reduce back pain by maintaining a comfortable spinal alignment. 

2. U-shaped pillow

The U-shaped pillow offers full-body support and is specially designed for people who twist and turn a lot while sleeping. This is because it can provide support to both sides of your body and helps position your neck, back, belly and legs perfectly. It can be used by placing the head in the curve of the “U” and bringing the arms of the pillow to extend along your body. This way, you can maintain a comforting alignment that relieves pressure points and reduces the need for frequent adjustments.

3. J-shaped pillow

A “J” shaped pregnancy pillow is a versatile option that offers substantial comfort without taking up a lot of space. Since it is shaped like a "J,” it can support the head, neck and belly if placed in front, while supporting the back, pelvis and the legs when placed behind. The curve of the pillow can also be used to position the head, and the extended portion can support your growing belly while sitting. 

4. Wedge pillow

Wedge pillows are small, triangular pillows that can provide targeted support for specific areas of the body. These can be placed under the belly to support the weight or prevent you from rolling to your back when sleeping. These pillows are highly versatile and can be used in conjunction with other pillows for added support. They are also compact and portable, making them ideal for traveling or additional support while sitting. 


In conclusion, pregnancy pillows are more than just a luxury, as they are an essential investment for your health and comfort during pregnancy. We at Laadlee understand this, which is why we strive to provide new moms with the best maternity pillows  and baby products they can find online. Get your hands on our eco-friendly and BPA-free products today, to ensure the safety and comfort of you and your baby.

> How to Choose the Right Feeding Bottle For Your Baby

How to Choose the Right Feeding Bottle For Your Baby

Buying baby products, especially baby feeding bottles, can be overwhelming for first-time mothers, given the vast array of baby care products available online. With each product claiming to be the best, choosing the right one can be a challenge. At Laadlee, we understand this concern, and for your convenience, we have created an in-depth guide to simplify the process. This blog will provide you with all the necessary considerations to ensure a comfortable and safe feeding experience for your baby.

An insight into the materials

The material of the feeding bottle should be your primary consideration, as it impacts both safety and ease of use. The durability and child-friendly properties are also heavily determined by the materials. So here is a detailed look at the most common materials used for baby bottles and their pros and cons.

1. Plastic

Owing to their versatility and ease of use, plastics are the primary choice for baby feeding bottles. The key benefit of a plastic feeding bottle is its lightweight and durable nature. This makes them ergonomic and perfect for everyday use, especially as your baby grows and becomes more mobile. They are also available in multiple shapes, sizes and colors and are generally less expensive than other materials.  

The key drawbacks of a plastic bottle are the chemical concerns and the heat-sensitive nature of plastics. This is why it is important to ensure that the bottle is always BPA-free to protect your baby from harmful chemicals.

2. Glass

The glass feeding bottle is a classic choice for parents. They have been used for generations because they are naturally resistant to microbes and completely chemical-free. This is why glass can be resistant to odors and is easier to sterilize, making it a trusted choice for parents. 

At the same time, these can be cumbersome and prone to breakage, especially around active babies. Another major drawback of a glass bottle is that it might get a bit more expensive than plastic bottles.  

3. Silicone

Silicone bottles are the latest addition to the materials used for making safe baby bottles. They combine the best of both plastic and glass bottles, as they are ‌ chemical-free, flexible and lightweight. They are also durable and break-resistant. 

However, they are not very easy to clean and may retain a somewhat greasy feel to them that some might dislike. Also, they are pretty expensive compared to the rest of the list.

4. Stainless steel

Stainless steel feeding bottles are the most sturdy options and are fast becoming popular for their longevity and safety. Their benefits include insulation, durability, odourlessness and ease of cleaning. They might appear a bit old-school and heavier than others, but the added thermal benefits surely outweigh the cons.

Choosing the right nipple for your baby bottle

Choosing the right nipple for your baby is, in many ways, more crucial than the bottle. Nipples are most commonly made from latex or silicone, and both offer different levels of comfort and benefits. Silicone nipples are usually durable and maintain their shape over time because they are firmer. This might be a drawback for a few babies who prefer latex nipples, as they are softer and more flexible. Some babies might have latex allergies, as latex develops odors very quickly.

Shape of the Nipple

The next factor that can significantly impact how well your baby takes the nipple is its shape and size. This is especially important if they are still breastfeeding, during which time the traditional nipple might serve you best. You can also go for the orthodontic-shaped nipples, which are designed to support proper oral development. They do this by having a flat bottom and a bulbous shape that mimics the shape of a nipple during breastfeeding.

Flow rate of the nipple

Lastly, it is important to keep the nipple flow rate in mind before finalizing one. This usually depends on the age of your toddler and should be chosen based on your baby's feeding style. A slow flow is usually ideal for newborns, as it allows them to suckle at their own comfortable pace. Medium and faster flow types can be tried for babies who can drink quickly without choking or spilling. Some nipples also have adjustable flow rates for babies needing different types of milk or feeding stages.


In conclusion, selecting the right baby bottle involves keeping various factors in mind. From the material and nipple type to the bottle shape and ease of cleaning, each of these can significantly influence your baby's feeding experience. However, the needs and preferences of babies differ, so it is always suggested to take some time experimenting with baby care products online before finally settling on one. 

This is why we have curated the finest baby feeding bottles  and bottle nipples that have been perfected under the guidance of pediatricians. The revolutionary anti-colic internal vent system is sure to turn feeding into an enjoyable experience for your baby. Take a look at our range of new mom and baby care products to make a significant difference in your baby's comfort and well-being.

> Benefits Of Baby Massage For Newborns - A Guide On How To Safely Massage Your Newborn

Benefits Of Baby Massage For Newborns - A Guide On How To Safely Massage Your Newborn

Welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyful yet overwhelming experience. In between the sleepless nights and diaper changes, creating a bond with your baby is crucial. One beautiful way to foster this connection is through baby massage. 

This ancient practice, embraced by cultures worldwide, offers a multitude of benefits for both the baby and the parent.

In this blog, you will learn about the following:

1. Benefits of massage for babies

2. When should you start massaging your newborn?

3. Step-by-step instructions so you can learn baby massage techniques

Read on to learn about the benefits of massage for babies and how to properly perform this comforting technique on your newborn.

The Benefits of Massage for a Baby

Massaging your baby is more than simply a relaxing experience; it is a whole method that promotes your newborn's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Here are several important benefits:

1. Improves circulation 

Gentle strokes increase blood flow, promoting the development of your baby's circulatory system and guaranteeing enough oxygen is delivered to their growing organs and tissues.

2. Promotes better sleep 

Regular massage helps your baby relax, which can lead to longer and deeper sleep patterns.

3. Promotes better sleep 

Regular massage helps your baby relax, which can lead to longer and deeper sleep patterns.

4. Enhances bonding 

The intimate, skin-to-skin contact during massage strengthens the emotional bond between you and your baby. This bonding time also promotes the release of oxytocin, the love hormone, in both the parent and child.

5. Boosts immunity 

Regular massage has been shown to enhance the immune system by stimulating the lymphatic system, which helps the body fight off infections.

6. Reduces stress hormones 

Massage can lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in parents, leading to a calmer and more relaxed environment.

When to Start Massaging Your Newborn

The ideal time to start massaging your newborn is after the first few weeks of birth, once they have settled into their new environment. However, it’s essential to observe your baby’s signals and ensure they are ready for massage. Signs that your baby is ready for a massage include:

  • They are calm and alert.
  • They are not hungry or too full.
  • They have had some sleep and are not overly tired.

It’s best to avoid massaging your baby right after feeding or when they are irritable and fussy. Mid-morning or after a warm bath are usually good times to introduce a massage routine.

How to Do a Baby Massage: A Step-by-Step Guide

To begin, ensure you have all the necessary items: a comfortable, warm space, a soft towel or blanket, and baby massage oil. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

Step 2: Start with the Legs

  • Gently rub the oil: Begin by gently rubbing the oil between your palms and then onto your baby’s legs
  • Strokes: Use gentle strokes from the thighs down to the feet. Repeat several times.
  • Foot massage: Gently press and release each toe, then massage the soles of their feet using your thumbs.

Step 3: Move to the Arms

  • Apply oil: Rub oil onto your baby’s arms.
  • Strokes: Use similar long strokes from the shoulders down to the hands.
  • Hand massage: Gently massage each finger and the palm of the hand.

Step 4: Massage the Chest and Tummy

  • Circular motions: Using both hands, make gentle circular motions on your baby’s chest.
  • Tummy massage: With your fingers, make clockwise circles on your baby’s tummy to help digestion. Make sure you are gentle around the belly button area.

Step 5: Back Massage

  • Turn your baby: Carefully turn your baby onto their tummy.
  • Long strokes: Gently stroke from the neck down to the hip. Avoid pressing on the spine.

Step 6: Facial Massage

  • Using your fingertips, gently massage your baby’s forehead, cheeks, and around the mouth. Be very gentle and avoid the eyes.


Incorporating baby massage into your daily routine can have great benefits for both you and your newborn. It’s a simple yet powerful way to nurture your baby’s physical health and emotional well-being while strengthening your bond. Remember, the key to a successful baby massage is to be gentle, attentive, and responsive to your baby’s cues.

At Laadlee, we offer a variety of baby products, including massage oils, to create a loving and soothing experience. So, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy this special time with your newborn.


> Baby must-haves: A newborn essentials checklist

Baby must-haves: A newborn essentials checklist

Get ready to welcome your bundle of joy with confidence! As your due date approaches, it’s time to ensure that you have everything your newborn will need. From cozy swaddles to soothing pacifiers, we’ve compiled the ultimate baby essentials list to ease your transition into parenthood. With this detailed blog, you will be able to tackle those early days with ease and enjoy every precious moment with your little one.

Feeding Essentials

Whether you plan to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, having the necessary supplies on hand is essential for ensuring a smooth feeding experience. If you plan on breastfeeding, consider investing in a breast pump, nursing bras, nipple cream and nursing pads to help ease the process. 

For formula-feeding parents, stock up on bottles and a reliable formula that suits your baby’s needs. Ensure proper hygiene by sterilizing bottles and pacifiers before each use. A bottle warmer can also come in handy for quickly heating bottles to the ideal temperature. Keep messes at bay with a supply of burp cloths and bibs to protect your baby's clothes during feedings.

Diapering Requirements

Diapering is an inevitable part of caring for a newborn, so it is essential to have the necessary supplies ready before your baby arrives. Whether you choose disposable or cloth baby diapers, having an ample supply with you is a good idea. 

Select gentle and hypoallergenic wipes designed specifically for newborns’ sensitive skin. Prevent and soothe diaper rash with a gentle diaper cream or ointment. Consider investing in a diaper pail with a secure lid to contain odours and keep your nursery smelling fresh. 

Clothing and Bedding

Choosing the right baby clothes and bedding for your baby is important for ensuring their comfort and safety. Opt for soft, breathable fabrics, such as cotton, to keep your newborn comfortable. 

Keep a variety of onesies, sleepers, and outfits, as babies need to be changed more frequently. Don’t forget about essentials like socks, mittens and hats to keep your baby warm and restful. Invest in a swaddle or sleeping bag to help your baby feel secure and snug during sleep.

Creating a Cozy Nursery

Setting up a comfortable nursery is one of the necessary steps in preparing for your baby’s arrival. Start by selecting a sturdy crib or bassinet that meets the latest safety guidelines. Ensure that the mattress fits snugly with no gaps around the edges to reduce the risk of suffocation. 

A dedicated changing table or changing pad placed on a sturdy surface will make diaper changes more convenient and comfortable for both the mother and baby. You could even add a comfortable rocking chair or glider to the nursery, providing a relaxing spot for late-night feedings and soothing your baby to sleep.

Safety and Health Essentials

Safety is foremost when it comes to caring for a newborn, so prioritize essential gear like a reliable stroller for outings, a secure car seat for safe travels, and a comfortable baby carrier for close bonding. These items ensure convenience and safety, allowing you to navigate daily tasks with ease while keeping your little one snug and protected.


As you prepare for the arrival of your newborn, having a comprehensive checklist of essential items can help reduce some of the stress and uncertainty that come with parenthood. At Laadlee, we understand the importance of having the right products to care for your baby, which is why we offer a wide range of baby essentials to meet your needs. From nursery furniture, baby toys, and baby baths to feeding and diapering supplies, you can find everything you need to welcome your new bundle of joy with confidence. We wish you all the best as you embark on this exciting journey of parenthood!