5 Tips to Take Care of Your Newborn During Summer

5 Tips to Take Care of Your Newborn During Summer

The summers this year have been particularly intense, with temperatures soaring to record-breaking heights. As a new mom, you might be feeling anxious about how to ensure that your newborn stays comfortable and safe in such extreme conditions. We at Laadlee understand this concern of yours, which is why we have compiled a list of some thoughtful adjustments that can help you keep your child cool and safe. For the safety of your bundle of joy, this blog will dive into the five essential tips that can help you navigate the challenges of summer with confidence and peace of mind. 

What is the Effect of Excess Heat on Babies?

All babies are different, which is why heat might affect different babies differently. Especially babies who face issues regulating their temperature might be more prone to heat. Dehydration is a common risk, as babies can lose fluids quickly through sweating. Some immediate symptoms include sunken eyes, dry mouth and lethargy. Keep an eye out for these symptoms because severe dehydration can be lethal and needs immediate medical attention.

Additionally, prolonged exposure to heat often causes heat rash, particularly in areas where clothing is tight. If not addressed in time, mild symptoms such as nausea and heavy sweating might escalate into weakness, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat. If a baby gets too hot, they may develop heatstroke, which is a very serious condition. This happens when the baby's body temperature goes and stays above 104 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period and can cause them to pass out.

Prolonged exposure to heat can lead to irritability and restlessness, disrupting your baby's sleep. Additionally, excess heat can result in loss of appetite and feeding issues with babies.

How to Take Care of the Baby During the Summer?

1. Keep Baby Cool and Hydrated

In the summer, lightweight, breathable clothing is essential. Opt for natural fabrics like cotton that allow your baby's skin to breathe. Avoid overdressing your baby, as multiple layers of clothing can cause overheating. Keeping your baby hydrated is especially crucial in the heat, so using breast milk or formula usually provides enough hydration.

If your baby is over six months old, then you can also offer small amounts of water. Keep an eye out for signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes and a dry mouth. If the baby's diaper is not full even after 6 hours, then consider it a sure sign of dehydration. 

2. Maintain a Comfortable Indoor Environment

Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold for your baby. It should be between 68-72°F (20-22°C). You can always use an indoor thermometer to check the room temperature, so get one today. During hot weather, use the air conditioning to keep the room cool, but make sure it's not blowing directly on your baby.

It is also important to avoid quick temperature fluctuations, like entering a very cold room directly from the outdoors. Keep this in mind, especially in places where it gets really hot outside.

3. Protect from Direct Sun Exposure

Try to stay indoors during peak sun hours, as the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM. During these hours, it’s best recommended to keep your baby indoors to avoid the risk of sunburn or heatstroke. If you need to go outside, make sure your baby is well protected. Use a stroller with a canopy, dress your baby in a wide-brimmed hat, and opt for lightweight, long-sleeved clothing. Additionally, make sure to consult your pediatrician about using a baby-safe sunscreen for extra protection.

4. Prevent Heat Rash

Babies are prone to heat rash, especially in warm, humid conditions. This is why it is advised to frequently check and change wet diapers. Try and ensure any sweaty areas are kept dry to prevent skin irritation, and use dusting powder as it can help prevent diaper rash in the summer. Dressing your baby in loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics can also contribute to ventilation that keeps your baby cool. Regular but short bathing sessions can also help keep your baby’s skin cool and clean, reducing the risk of heat rash.

5. Infection and Allergies

During the summer months, viral infections are particularly prevalent. For babies under 6 months old, breastfeeding provides all the necessary antibodies, but for older babies, it is important to take precautions to ensure their safety. If anyone in the household gets a cold, make sure to keep them away from the baby.


Taking care of a newborn in the summer can be tricky, but with our range of baby care products, you can make sure your baby stays safe and comfy. Just give them lots of water, shield them from the sun, be careful when driving during the day, and leave the rest to our range of baby products. Most importantly, as a mom, trust your gut, stay calm and treasure these special times with your little one. With these tricks, you'll be ready to handle the hot summer of the UAE and make great memories with your happy toddler.

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